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Fluid Intake

Hydration is key for an athlete to reach their peak performance. Body weight is made up of 60% of water. During exercise fluids are lost and the fluids need to be replenished, if not, it can lead to dehydration.

One way to monitor hydration, an athlete can weigh themselves before and after exercise. For every pound of body weight loss drink approximately three cups of water.

Another way to monitor hydration is checking urine color. Urine similar to lemonade is a sign of hydration, rather than a dark yellow color indicating dehydration. Do not rely on thirst as an indicator of dehydration. Athletes typically get thirsty after they have already lost enough fluid to make them dehydrated.

Fluid replacement drinks that contain 6 – 8% of carbohydrates can provide energy and fuel to an athlete during intense training or long workouts. Fluids that contain sodium and electrolytes help absorb and replace sweat loss. An athlete should also consume fluids 15-30 minutes before exercise and every 15 – 20 minutes during competition. Do not drink carbonated or caffeinated drinks or drinks that contain those ingredients as it will cause GI distress and decrease fluid consumption.
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