AP Physics I and II
This one-year course prepares students for both the AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2 exams. To acknowledge the workload of this course, starting in 2022 – 2023, the course earns 1.5 total credits.
Center Distinctions
This program encompasses a 4-year process that recognizes outstanding achievements in knowledge, skills and dispositions in one of the Instructional Centers: Wo International Center, Luke Center for Public Service, Kuaihelani Center for ‘Ike Hawai‘i, CASE Accelerator for Student Entrepreneurship, and Design, Technology and Engineering. Distinctions can be earned by students who demonstrate focused study, passion and skill aligned to the Center competencies. A note on the transcript will indicate whether a Center Distinction is “expected” and eventually “received.”
This program is an immersive, deep dive opportunity for students which allows them to explore unique, authentic and transdisciplinary topics in a non-graded learning environment. Each course is open to interested students whose schedules allow participation. Student growth is assessed but no grades are given and no graduation credit is assigned.
Global Online Academy
The GOA offers diverse and rigorous credit-bearing courses to students in member schools around the world. All GOA courses have both synchronous and asynchronous components.
Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary
These courses combine the key concepts and crucial skill sets from at least two disciplines into one course. Students practice exploring ideas or solving problems through the lenses of each discipline, while also striving to construct a lens that transcends the individual disciplines.
Some students select these classes over the honors and AP counterparts because they appreciate the chance to make connections across disciplines or to integrate the various facets of a subject.
Various interdisciplinary (ID) courses are offered in grades 9 – 12. Global Sustainability by Design (GSD) courses are offered for 9th and 10th grade students interested in tackling sustainability issues of global and local significance. These courses provide credits from more than one discipline.
Ke Kilohana/Senior Capstone
This course in the Social Studies department allows students to apply their skills, knowledge, and gifts in service to a community of practice. In their senior year, students choose from a variety of Ke Kilohana courses that highlight applied learning across many disciplines and topics. As part of their coursework, students participate in collective service opportunities and identify a community need around which they build an individual opportunity for authentic service. Students culminate their Ke Kilohana course experience with a public product, presentation or performance. Semester course. One-half credit. Satisfies Social Studies graduation requirement.
School Year Abroad
To support rigorous academic study abroad, Punahou partners with certain schools to offer a diverse range of semester and yearlong study programs.