Giving to Punahou
2023 Annual Report
We are Children of Ka Punahou

Our Home to Dream and Discover

Each year, donors employ strategic gift planning to maximize the impact of their gifts to our students and our campus. With guidance from their legal and financial advisors and Punahou Gift Planning staff, our supporters employ gift plans that minimize taxes, while maximizing benefits for both Punahou and themselves.
Punahou received 112 lRA gifts, 71 stock gifts, $4.9 million in confirmed bequests and $500,000 in life income gifts!
Our Ka Punahou Society currently has 339 members who have made a planned gift to Punahou!
These include gifts to Punahou in estate plans, making tax-free gifts directly from IRAs, and giving appreciated non-cash assets, such as stocks and real property to Punahou.

In fiscal year 2023, Punahou received $4.9 million in confirmed bequests and $500,000 for gifts that provide lifetime income back to the donors. Meaningful new bequests created this year will provide future financial aid and support for programs, including one to advance the preservation of Hawaiian history and culture (‘Ike Hawai‘i) and another to support SEEL and student access to the program’s benefits. Punahou’s Director of Gift Planning, Carrie Ogami, notes that “for over 180 years, planned gifts have been pivotal to Punahou’s enduring success. With thoughtful gift planning, donors can create a legacy of educational excellence for future generations.” Our School is deeply indebted to the many generous individuals over the decades who have provided for us in their gift planning and, in doing so, have created a home to dream and discover for generations of students.
Members of Ka Punahou Society gathered for a discussion with President Mike Latham ’86 during Alumni Week 2023.
Case Middle School students performed at the Trustee Holiday Reception for donors in December.
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