Giving to Punahou
Giving Report Archive

2019 Annual Report

On behalf of the students, faculty and staff of Punahou School, thank you for your commitment to our collective future.

We are extremely grateful and look forward to fulfilling the promise of your confidence and generosity.
The 2018 – 2019 school year was a time of historic transition as Punahou School bid farewell to President Jim Scott ’70, who retired in June, after leading the School for a quarter century. Scott’s departure led to the arrival of another native son – Mike Latham ’86 – who assumed the presidency in July 2019. During Alumni Week, Scott announced that the School had surpassed its $175 million fundraising goal for the Ku‘u Punahou Campaign – a galvanizing, six-year effort to bolster financial aid, professional development and new learning environments such as Sidney and Minnie Kosasa Community for Grades 2 – 5 and D. Kenneth Richardson Learning Lab.
News about the successful conclusion of the Ku‘u Punahou Campaign came just as construction of the Kosasa Community was completed, ushering in a dynamic new era of learning for the School’s elementary students. The Kosasa Community, with its innovative design labs, creative arts spaces, state-of-the-art classrooms, lush outdoor areas and 100% sustainable facilities, truly sets Punahou apart as a forward-thinking institution of the 21st Century.

Giving to Punahou 2018 – 2019

This report recognizes the individuals and organizations that have made a charitable gift to Punahou during the fiscal year, July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019.

Every person, family, foundation and corporation listed in this report and on our website has helped the School to realize its mission, and we are deeply grateful for your generosity.

We welcome questions or comments regarding the information in this report and strive to accurately publish our donor lists. If you feel an error has been made, please contact Punahou’s Office of Institutional Advancement.
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