Giving to Punahou
2023 Annual Report
We are Children of Ka Punahou

A Mat That Seats Many

Each year, current Punahou parents and faculty/staff members volunteer hundreds of hours to help with grassroots fundraising initiatives. Volunteers with our Parent Advancement Council (PAC), Parent Leadership Giving Council (PLGC), and the Heart of Punahou Employees (HOPE) Committee (made up of faculty and staff volunteers) help engage community members in support of the School’s fundraising priorities.
Parent giving at any level has grown significantly over the past four school years!
We received gifts from more than 400 Punahou faculty and staff who support the school with their time, talent and generosity!
Each of these groups helped to promote Punahou’s annual Giving Day on April 6, 2023. More than 200 volunteers and 2,468 donors came together with many gifts – raising over $600,000 for the Punahou Fund in a single day! More importantly, our volunteers are an integral part of helping to weave the “mat that seats many,” helping to provide the resources we need to continue working toward our values of inclusion, diversity, sustainability, innovation and exploration.
“Working with the other parents on the Parent Advancement Council (PAC) has been so rewarding because you see the passion and heart that other families have for making Punahou the best it can be for our kids. There has been a dramatic increase in parent giving over the past few years, and we can't wait to see what the next year brings!”

Maura Takao ’98 O’Donnell

The Parent Advancement Council (PAC) cheered on our Punahou families during Giving Day 2023.
Members of the Heart of Punahou Employees (HOPE) Committee and other dedicated faculty and staff helped to engage community members in support of the School.
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